Tuesday, September 23, 2008


According to my Realclear politics website, it looks like there have been a few significant changes in the past week. First, Obama has a slight lead in Colorado. Expect McCain or Palin in the next month. Second, Florida and Ohio are now back to swing states. I think this can be attributed to the financial crisis. And finally, Hillary and the Clintons are being criticized about their lack of campaigning for Obama.

BTW, if you have an hour, watch both Fox and MSNBC. Are they reporting on the same country?

Justin has a great website that shows a lot of tidbits about both campaigns. Try to start noticing where both candidates are campaigning. Colorado, Michigan, Ohio, Florida

Hillary mentioned the debates. You need to watch them as objectively as possible.

Kaitlyn, Ashley, Tessa, and Megan have all been volunteering. Good job!

Some of you have not blogged in week.

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