Monday, September 8, 2008

Center for Civic Education Competition

State Hearing Units 2008-2009

Unit One: What are the philosophical and historical foundations of the American Political System?

Unit Two: How did the Framers create the Constitution?

Unit Three: How has the Constitution been changed to further the ideals contained in the Declaration of Independence?

Unit Four: How have the values and principles embodied in the Constitution shaped American institutions and practices?

Unit Five: What rights does the Bill of Rights protect?

Unit Six: What challenges might face American Constitutional Democracy in the twenty-first century?

Look over units to see which interests you most.

There will be three groups in each class. 5-6 people per group.


duse said...

I like topics 3 or 4.

Hillary said...

I like 3 or 5

Blunderer said...

I like units 5 & 2..jess

megan said...

I like topics five and six

duse said...

if i have to choose one, i'd say topic 4

Kole Bridge said...

I own number two.