Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Job to those who participated

I know all of you are extremely busy, so I wanted to say thanks to all the students who either worked for a party or watched the debates. It will definitely benefit your knowledge of the American Political System and your....grade. I hope I didn't leave anyone out but I wanted to thank Hillary, Daniel, Kole, Kate, Kiah (not Kia) Kate, Ellen , Emma, Kote, Katie, and Ka. Tu.. I also am psyched that Tessa went to Denver to see that event. Have a lovely weekend and be ready to go on Monday. Start your blogs and have two pages of your scavenger hunts done.



Cressida said...

yeah you definitely left me out of that list :P It's fine...... My bruised ego will recover....


megan said...

Mr. Coit I went as well. I went to Whiteman park for awhile, and signed up to volunteer and then my father and I went to the debates.

- megan velarde

Kole Bridge said...

Thanks for the shout out, Mr. Coit. You crazy cat.

The Swindle Kid said...

UHHHH WOW well you missed me! FYI I single-handedly ran EVERY Kids Voting Forum and put 35 hours+ towards the democratic party phone banking, canvassing, ect...and I have yet to see it aid my grade.I am NOT happy.